If You Truly Understood the Cost of Being Disconnected From Your Higher Self, You'd Make It A Priority to Shift Things Today!

Being Disconnected is the Root of ALL Struggle

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have the magic touch while others struggle day in and day out? THE WEALTHIEST VERSION OF YOU is a reality that you've never known before. It's not what you've been taught and it's a secret few possess. Finally I've created a program where it's going to be revealed to you! 

Without exception, we are ALL created to thrive in omnipresent spiritual prosperity. Far too much time in a woman’s life is spent mired in lack, fear, and frustration keeping her from receiving the wisdom of her Higher Self. You are a mystical miracle capable of experiencing every facet of life as the Wealthiest Version of YOU! 

How do I know? I've lived it!

I Get It. I Too Spent A Good Portion of My Life in Lack, Fear, and Disharmony.

These quintessential teachings reveal how you can freely live between both worlds of the spiritual and physical dimensions, supporting how you prosper in health, wealth, relationships and faith. Your power for greater financial success, a happier personal life and a deeper spiritual life are within your reach!

"I believe every human has God given gifts to find the solution to any problem. Once awakened, strengthened, and utilized, these gifts provide the wisdom to personal and professional, ever increasing, Spiritual Prosperity."

I welcome you to join me in one of this year's most enlightened trainings as I take you through the masterful steps of tapping into your Higher Self to manifest everything and anything you desire! 

Shall We?

"I am here to transform the way humans freely live between both worlds of spiritual and physical dimensions"

A 6-Week Group Coaching Experience Where You'll Overcome the Major Blocks that Have Kept You From Breaking Through To The Wealthiest Version of YOU!




Ask Yourself These Questions:

Do you routinely find yourself saying yes, overcommitting and then 
resenting the fact that you did? 

When you find yourself unhappy about something, is your automatic response "it's not my fault"?

Do you find yourself escaping reality by engaging in vices that keep you numb and disconnected from the world? 

Do you see others succeeding and feel it's impossible for you? 

Do you constantly live outside yourself waiting for others to give 
you permission to move forward with a decision? 

Imagine a Life of...

Health - The Mystical Miracle

The body is a reflection of the galaxy that we live in. The more connected we are to nature, the more radiant our health is. Learn how to align on a cellular level and awaken the perfection inside of you.

Wealth - The Golden Highway

Mates, children, even pets complete us and without them, we would be broken. In truth, we are whole and wholly, sacred beings, designed to channel the power of creation into the physical world. Experience your innate power in just minutes!

Relationships - The Fairytale Myth

There is an illusion that the yellow brick road has an arrival. The Golden Highway is ACTUALLY YOU! Learn what it takes to be a Wealth Multiplier and forever change the way in which you move through life.

Faith - Signs and Wonders 

Did you know your Higher Self is speaking to you at all times? Open your ability to hear, see, and feel the wisdom that is trying to reach you!

Welcome to...

Let’s Look Inside the Course Modules!

Weekly Video Lessons 

Each week you will be given new lessons to keep you on track while learning new ways to truly thrive. 

6-WEEK Live Curriculum Dedicated to YOUR Wealth! 

With great care and devotion I have developed an easy to follow program that will teach you how to clarify and create The Wealthiest Version of Your Health, Wealth, Career, Relationships and Faith. Join the most successful people in the world who never do it alone!

LIVE Wealth Lounge and Instant Miracle Healings! 

Our own private portal and Facebook Community or connecting, masterminding, partnering and direct support from me.

LIVE Sunday Night War Room for Prayer & Meditation 

Bring your requests to be prayed over and lift it up for your ultimate Highest Good!

Guided Meditations!

I am also including a collection of my most popular meditation audio recordings to inspire you daily and keep your mind and body strengthened as you embody this new way of being

Launch Special!!!



Wait There's More!!! 

Will Receive A
Private Session with Me!

The one thing that makes success greater is to have personalized support. Everyone has unique challenges and goals. I will personally help you in this bonus session. 
(A $900 Value) 

Client Love

Lisa Joy Walters, Spiritual Medium

If I didn't start my journey with Dr. Christine, where would I be now? I wouldn't be freely and successfully living my purpose! I wouldn't have opened as a Spiritual Medium, now helping others to heal. I needed to "undo" me first. Endless thanks to Dr. Christine for guiding me to experience that my sensitivity and loving self is not only "good enough" for Spiritual Prosperity, but just maybe, it's "mind-blowing"! 

Emily Magee, Nutrition & Wellness

There's pre-Dr.Christine Emily and post-Dr.Christine Emily, and the 2 are wildly different! I didn't realize how buried my emotions were. I would always burst or explode. Since working with Dr. Christine, I've really shifted. My relationships are better, how I deal with any situation is better and my work has completely taken off! I love to work with Dr. Christine when things are good because the good gets better and I have the strength for when things are challenging. So grateful

Janus Babstock, Entrepreneur 

I’ve been working with Dr. Christine for about 15 years. Because of my serious determination to have true peace and happiness in my life, I have been able to be the chain breaker in my family. Amazing! I came from poverty and now I’m not poor. I came from depression and now I’m physically, mentally, and spiritually healthy. I’m very happy! I came from addiction and I no longer drink. I live a completely clean and sober life. Thanks to my work with Christine, I have the skills to deal with life on life’s terms. I continue to grow with each passing year, allowing me to live the life God intended. 
Thank you Christine for being one of God’s true earth angels.

About Dr. Christine

Dr. Christine Malenda, Creator of Spiritual Prosperity™, knows she was gifted with an innate calling to help others experience “enlightened vitality” in spirit, body, and business. Her mission from a young age has been to show the way for the world to live as happy, healthy, and wholly human beings. 

Having had a fascination with SPIRIT all her life, Dr. Christine had the awakened ability to tap into the power of spirit anytime she endured painful events. Learning to HEAR her ancestors and guides from the other side, she was comforted by knowing she was supported simply by tuning into her Higher Self. 
Motivated by her incredibly challenging journey, Dr. Christine dedicated her life and invested her heart and soul into pursuing degrees and countless certifications in the study of the Psychology and Anatomy of Spirit. At 18 her journey to earn her Doctorate in Metaphysical Healing launched into her global career as a mentor, coach, speaker and best-selling author alongside such notables as Dr. Wayne Dyer, authors from The Secret and other successful movers and shakers. 

In-spired each day to help women reveal the “Wealthiest Version” of themselves, Dr. Christine helps her clients emerge from their darkest moments and free themselves to flourish in GOOD FORTUNE. 

With a mantra of, “Make a Joyful Noise”, Dr. Christine believes that our lives should make a joyful noise in everything we set out to do. Today her Wealthiest Version of YOU teachings ARE the Divine Way for ALL to bring their greatest gifts to the world!


When do we start?
The Wealthiest Version of YOU program starts Thursday May 19th at 7:00pm - 9:00pm EST.
What if I miss a week?
No problem! All live sessions are recorded and you can receive support from Christine's in the Facebook group.
Can I do this program at my own pace?
Most certainly! We recommend staying with the pace of the group so you can receive support and accountability in real-time, but if it works better for you to do in your time, that's great too!
Do you offer refunds if I decide not to stay in the program?
No. All benefits begin as soon as you enroll in the program. Embarking on this journey requires dedication and fortitude to see this process through.
What if I cannot participate in any of the activities for health reasons?
Please send an email to Team@DrChristineMhd.com so we can better address your concerns.

Repeat after me: I AM a waterfall of WEALTH! - Dr. Christine Malenda

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